Friday, March 11, 2011

Live at Home seniors are vulnerable during an emergency.

Live at Home seniors are especially vulnerable during an emergency.
How would West Coast Seniors survive a Tsunami?

During an emergency, many live at home aging seniors face mobility, cognitive, sight, or hearing issues making them less able to save themselves, act fast and fend for themselves. How many aging seniors can run out of a house in less than a minute, dash down a flight of stairs, or drive fast to a safe location in an unforeseen natural disaster? Many do not drive. Often aging Americans need help from others in an emergency. Seniors are frequently isolated, further exasperating the challenge. Houses, apartments and condominiums are not inherently senior friendly.

For the seven action steps seniors can take: Click here :

In the mean time, if a Thousand Oaks resident, sign up for the T.O. emergency telephone based emergency notification system used to communicate critical information to thousands of residents and businesses during an emergency through the telephone: or call 805-449-2499 to sign up.

If you are marketing a business and would like to promote the aspect of emergency preparedness. offers a variety of products which can be branded with your logo and are useful for customers or employees. These include: emergency phone number information magnets, home first aid kits, emergency kits, flashlights, whistles, shelf stable food products, blankets, medical information ledgers, emergency contact flashdrives, pet emergency products, and more! We can typically make many recommendations for your business.